raija jokinen

‘tavallista’ in Lahti, Fi

My solo exhibition in Galleria Uusi Kipinä, Kymintie 1, Lahti, Southern Finland will be opening on 13. March, 2018 and is open until 8. April, 2018.

I named the exhibition with “tavallista” (normal) as I try to visualize everyday thoughts and incidents, something which is very normal and self-evident. I believe that everyday life has a strong value for us as human beings but often it’s hidden under performance we play trying to look something else we really are.

Work I chose to the invitation card is about everyday mess we try to cope with, tangles that are difficult to hide. Another image is “Swarming”.

My warm thanks to the Finnish Cultural Foundation that supported this exhibition and my working.

Edited 3. April, 2018, articles in Finnish:
Etelä-Suomen Sanomat published
-14.3.2018, an article by Millamari Uotila
-28. March, 2018, an article by Maria Ollikainen
Neulanhaltija wrote a blog update about her visit in the exhibition: http://neulanhaltija.blogspot.fi



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