17th July opened a group exhibition in Schwäbisch Gmünd, a lovely town between Stuttgart and München. In the exhibition can be seen ceramic, glass and textile art works by
Maria Hokema
Alkie Osterland
Wiebke Vogt
Michael Schwarzmüller
Johanna Senoner
Renate Busse
Barbara Hast
Raija Jokinen
Gallery web site: http://www.schwaebisch-gmuend.de/2706-labor_im_chor.html?id=11343
The exhibition is open until 31. Aug, 2014. This year Schwäbisch Gmünd also hostes bi-annual garden show and the Festival der Europäischen Kirchenmusik. There’s a lot to see in Schwäbisch Gmünd! Welcome!
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