raija jokinen

Internal Garden in cover

Internal Garden in cover

A book Denken heilt! by German philosopher Albert Kitzler is translated to Dutch by  Huub Stegeman and published by Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep. It’s a book about the influence of thinking on our health. Kitzler brings the ancient philosophy to present and...
Mini-textiles in Anger, FR

Mini-textiles in Anger, FR

My work “Un Virage” was selected to the XIe Triennale Internationale des Mini-Textiles exhibition opening on Fri 9.6.2017 at 18.30 in Musée Jean-Lurçat, Angers, FR. 460 artists applied to the exhibition and 69 works are exhibited until 7th Jan, 2018. In the same...
“olevaa olematonta” Hyvinkäällä

“olevaa olematonta” Hyvinkäällä

8.4.2017 aukeaa yksityisnäyttelyni “olevaa olematonta” Hyvinkäällä Promenadigalleriassa. Kutsu on ladattavissa tästä. Kiitän lämpimästi Kulttuurirahastoa saamastani tuesta. Kun aiheenani on ihmisen olemus, pohdin usein, missä menee fyysisen ja psyykkisen...
Ekot i Stockholm

Ekot i Stockholm

Välkommen till vernissage i Galleri Hantverket, Götgatan 63, Stockholm lördag 18.2.2017 kl 11-16. Utställningen pågår till 9.3.2017 och är öppet varje dag. Med mina konstverk försöker jag visualisera vanliga och vardagliga känslor och tillfällen, som handlar om vår...
A site worth of looking

A site worth of looking

A site worth of looking 0 1.4.2016 Written by Raija Edit “A site worth of looking” Since 2013 Joe and Sam Pitcher have done a great job to open the wonderful view to an art form normally hidden and found only with persistency and collecting accidental bits...
An article in Tekstiiliopettaja magazine

An article in Tekstiiliopettaja magazine

Tekstiiliopettaja 4/2015 magazine published an article about my works. Textile teacher and researcher Anna Kouhia wrote the article in a nice and professional manner expressing my ideas in a way I am not able to do myself. She’s a good writer indeed! The text is in...
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